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http://www.jiaju82.com 2019年06月11日18:40 家居装修资讯 



  Christian Kuncz特地从德国飞来现场助阵生态舒适家居样板房大咖论坛,并接受了我们媒体的群访。

  Christian Kuncz  德国瑞好东北亚建筑科技事业部市场总监

  (翻译支持:Henry Liu 刘惠峰 德国瑞好中国区给排水系统销售总监)


  Comfort home designer seminar – REHAU high-end plumbing system Interview

  Interviewee: Christian Kuncz REHAU NEA building technology market area leader

  Interviewee: Henry Liu REHAU plumbing system sales director in China region

  REHAU has more than 40 years polymer pipe design and production experience. REHAU PE-Xa under floor heating has already been famous in the China market and occupied main market share among imported brand. In terms of plumbing system, REHAU also have complete product portfolio, including not only normal PP-R, but also PP-RCT as better option. In our sample room, REHAU introduces RAUTITAN platinum and RAUPIANO plus aiming at high-end market.

  Current Chinese home decoration market, the needs become more variable. For plumbing system, the priority need does not change, but still “ safety”. REHAU platinum adapts patented compression sleeve techniques. The advantages of this connection is fast and simple. By using professional tool, anyone without training and experience can make a no leakage connection. REHAU RATITAN platinum make up by imported PE-Xa pipe and high quality brass fittings. The whole system can endure 110℃ within certain time and lower temperature achieve -50℃. Combining with some special designed components, the whole system can also realize hygiene water cycle system and manifold connection system. Such design can reduce bacteria within the system and keep each point of water usage similar output water volume.

  德国瑞好拥有超过40年的管道生产经验,其中PE-Xa地暖管道已经占领了高端进口市场的主要市场份额。德国瑞好品牌同样给排水系统产品线非常齐全。既有PP-R产品,也有性能更稳定的PP-RCT管道系统。针对高端住宅和设计师群体,在生态家居设计样板,德国瑞好主要展示了RAUTITAN platinum 铂净全屋给水系统和RAUPIANO plus 瑞比奥全屋静音排水系统。

  现在的家装市场,消费者的需求越来越多元化,但是对于隐蔽工程的,最重要的一直都是“安心”。瑞好的铂净系列,采用了瑞好专利的收紧套环技术,和传统PP-R不同,在专业配套的电动工具辅助下,不需要任何施工经验就能做一个成功的连接,大大降低了隐蔽工程的泄露风险。 铂净系统与瑞好地暖管道一样由德国全进口PE-Xa管道和符合欧标的铜管件组成,不仅短期耐高温可达110℃,抗低温冲击也可低至-50℃。整套系统还配有特殊设计的管件,可以实现活水循环系统和分水连接,不但从源头减少系统内细菌滋生,也可以确保每一个用水点都保持均匀水量。除了全屋给水系统,排水系统也不容忽视。针对高端住宅,尤其是别墅用户,瑞好静音排水系统采用三层结构管道,专利静音支架和加厚弯头设计,静音低至17分贝,让家拥有五星级的享受。


原文网址: 德国瑞好忠于匠心精神,以超乎所见的品牌价值实现家的美 http://www.jiaju82.com/news-view-id-648037.html