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同心抗疫,ROLF BENZ致中国客户的一封信

http://www.jiaju82.com 2020年02月12日13:20 家居装修资讯 

  我们正在共同度过一段艰难的时期,ROLF BENZ全员在遥远的德国黑森林,向你们捎来这段诚挚的问候。深夜仰望星空,我们生活在同一片星辰下,全球人民彼此陪伴,不需要感到孤独!千年文化是你们扎实的民族根基,对美好生活的追求将赋予你们克服一切的力量。



  我是Rolf Benz的CEO尤根。



  在此我谨代表Rolf Benz全体员工,祝福各位健康平安,善自珍重。我们一起并肩前行!



  Dear all:

  My name is Juergen,and I am the CEO of Rolf Benz.

  We know that your daily life has become very tricky,due to the Virus.We have big respect of how you deal with this situation,and that China is doing what they could to cut off the Virus.The people from Germany admire how disciplined,the Chinese people are and how they cope with this situation.Please don‘t loose your patience and confidence.We are with you in our thoughts and keep our fingers crossed,that you will overcome this situation as soon as possible.

  Life is sometimes a highway with many curves.On our way there are sometimes obstacles we haven‘t considered,so we have to adjust from time to time,but we don‘t loose our vision and faith.

  On behalf of the entire Rolf Benz company,I wish you all the best. Take care.We stand together!


  February 3, 2020

原文网址: 同心抗疫,ROLF BENZ致中国客户的一封信 http://www.jiaju82.com/news-view-id-688706.html