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设计赋能2021 | Sebastian Loaiza:不要强加,只要内在

http://www.jiaju82.com 2021年03月10日13:38 家居装修资讯 

设计赋能2021 | Sebastian Loaiza:不要强加,只要内在





设计赋能2021 | Sebastian Loaiza:不要强加,只要内在

Sebastian Loaiza   Associate CLOU Architects

  从智利毕业后,Sebastian Loaiza从英国的城市历史和社会变迁出发,展开其对建筑设计的思路。对 Sebastian Loaiza来说,设计不是他工作的最终目标,还原生活的本质与品质才是。而建筑,则是生活展开的一个平面。

  目前,Sebastian Loaiza是 CLOU 建筑师事务所的一名主任建筑师。他曾与北京设计周(Beijing Design Week)合作,设计了尖子盒子(Jianzi Box),创办了儿童城(Kids City) 。这是一个有趣的工作坊,旨在激发下一代建筑师的灵感。





  Design is just a tool; you can use it for good and bad. Is up to all of us to make it a tool for positive change. 

  I can’t possibly know the solution for the development of our cities, but I am sure that the answer is not something that can imposed, but something that comes within them. 

  Designers need to be more alert than ever! We need to listen carefully, look deep, ask the right questions, and be really present in the changes we face today. We need solutions that contribute to making a better living for everyone and everything in our cities, for both people and nature. 





  It will affect us as much as we are able to let us change. We need to compromise; change has never been easy and all these changes we have seen unfold in the last months are here to disrupt the “Normal”. 

  Normality is a concept that feels permanent, but isn't. The Normal is ever-changing, and as long as we are willing to accept changes in our lifestyle and living for the common good, we will be able to keep the ball rolling. 

  We have a huge opportunity to redefine normality today, I hope we all can create a more conscious and simpler environment. In a near future, we should be able to work and live smarter, use technology to our advantage and live with less, and simply go back to the basics and discard some of these “new needs” that our contemporary lifestyle has made somehow compulsory.


聚焦设计思考 赋能城市未来

原文网址: 设计赋能2021 | Sebastian Loaiza:不要强加,只要内在 http://www.jiaju82.com/news-view-id-744719.html