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2023米兰设计周 | 机器人将展示Tom Dixon新系列的无限可能

http://www.jiaju82.com 2023年04月19日15:59 家居装修资讯 

2023米兰设计周 | 机器人将展示Tom Dixon新系列的无限可能

▲伦敦One Park Drive推出的新款CONE Fat地灯、CONE Fat桌子和MELT便携式灯具。

今年四月,在米兰国际家具展(Salone del Mobile)上,英国领先的设计品牌Tom Dixon将借助来自颠覆性技术公司Universal Robots的合规机器人,展示其新款CHOICE系列产品的灵活性、模块化以及无限的可能性。

 This April at Salone del Mobile, leading British design brand Tom Dixon will demonstrate the flexibility, modularity and limitless possibilities of the new CHOICE collection thanks to a collaborative and compliant Robot by ground-breaking technology company Universal Robots.


New designs to be unveiled will include the PUFF lighting family, the highly compact and rechargeable PORTABLES lights and CONE table and floor lights, along with best-selling upholstery pieces FAT and WINGBACK, now available in 265 colours and textiles.


The element of choice is thus widened in both breath and width with new product collections, categories and customization. This allows the user to easily choose their desired mix of products, colours and finishes to create extraordinary spaces that are truly reflective of their individual tastes.

2023米兰设计周 | 机器人将展示Tom Dixon新系列的无限可能



Tom says: “This year we want MORE. Much Much More. More colour, more variations, more unexpected combinations in floor lamps and chandeliers, table tops and textiles to give our design aficionados a deeper, wider palette of opportunity to help build perfect interiors. More flexibility in where we can illuminate and how we design, so that’s why we call this year CHOICE. The essential skill in the construction of special spaces requires judicial choices. So, we worked and worked to open up the collection to this unexpectedly vast series of possibilities.”

2023米兰设计周 | 机器人将展示Tom Dixon新系列的无限可能

▲金色MIRROR BALL锥形纤薄地面灯

为了将“CHOICE”这一概念置于制造业演变和未来机器人解决方案的更广泛背景中,Tom Dixon的设计研究室(DRS)与Universal Robots合作,在Euroluce展览中设计了一套智能化的场景。通过使用Universal Robots的UR10e系列提供的定制化的机器操作应用程序,一个大型的OnRobot VGC10夹爪将在装配线上无缝地配置新款CONE桌灯和地灯,轻松地替换不同的灯罩与新的锥形底座。 

To conceptualize CHOICE in the wider context of the evolution of manufacturing and the future  dominance of robotic solutions, Tom Dixon’s Design Research Studio (DRS) has collaborated with Universal Robots to engineer an intelligent set design for the Euroluce installation. With a tailor-made, machine-tending application from Universal Robot’s UR10e series, a large OnRobot VGC10 gripper will configure the new CONE table and floor lights on-site, seamlessly interchanging different lamp shades with the new conical bases in an assembly line.

“这次合作是两个创新先锋的交汇点,同时也展示了我们协作机器人的多功能性,”Universal Robots意大利国家经理Gloria Sormani补充道。 

“This collaboration is the touching point of two pioneering actors of innovation and the demonstration of the versability of our cobots,” Gloria Sormani, Country Manager Italy for Universal Robots, adds.

2023米兰设计周 | 机器人将展示Tom Dixon新系列的无限可能

▲一台配备OnRobot VGC10夹爪的大型UR10e协作机器人将在Tom Dixon的Euroluce展位上配置新的CONE桌灯和地灯。


一系列原创音效包括主音、弹拨音、人声、Simmons鼓以及Tom的声音,由William Gunnings在teenage engineering的OP-1合成器上制作,并由Tom Dixon团队叠加。这些声音的排列反映了数字CHOICE活动在装置周围的情感和感人内容,能够刺激所有感官。

SYNTHETIC CHOICE SOUNDSCAPE Playing on all senses, a series of original soundbites, including lead, pluck, vox, Simmons drum and Tom's vocals, have been produced by William Gunnings on the OP-1 synthesizer by teenage engineering, and overlaid by the Tom Dixon team. The sequencing of sounds reflects the emotive and moving content of the digital CHOICE campaign, surrounding the installation.

 DRS将300平方米的展位分成不同的空间,通过使用Amorim Cork Composites的100%天然软木制作的独立墙壁分隔。这些软木墙壁经过高压灭菌处理,呈现出丰富的深色。大型墙面板涂有Jotun“Lady Minerals”系列中的平滑白色(8470)和绿叶(8469)。这两种涂料都形成了柔和的背景,以展示Tom Dixon的新系列产品。 

To complete the installation design, DRS has sectioned the 300 square meter stand into distinct spaces with freestanding wall partitions in 100% natural cork by Amorim Cork Composites that have been subjected to an autoclave process to give it a rich, dark colour. These are set against large wall panels, painted in Smooth White (8470) and Green Leaf (8469) from Jotun’s ‘Lady Minerals’ range. Both finishes form a muted backdrop to showcase Tom Dixon’s new collections.    


In combination, the visual and audio journey promise visitors an immersive experience of ‘CHOICE’.

2023米兰设计周 | 机器人将展示Tom Dixon新系列的无限可能



Milan Fairgrounds, Rho 

Tom Dixon Booth 

Hall 13, Stand 102 

18 - 23 April 

9.30am – 6.30pm

原文网址: 2023米兰设计周 | 机器人将展示Tom Dixon新系列的无限可能 http://www.jiaju82.com/news-view-id-841621.html